Helen Krieble’s
Liberty Minutes
Helen Krieble Examines National and Local Issues Through the Lens of Liberty
When we understand principles of freedom, and then look closely at issues pertaining to government policies and politics from the perspective of those principles, the solutions become remarkably clear. Americans don’t have to—in fact have a responsibility NOT to—tolerate policies that violate the fundamental principles and conditions on which our country was founded.
We should all worry about our government’s ability to spy on us with today’s advancing technology. They say it makes us safer, but does it?
The highly visible violations of our freedom at state and national levels are troubling, for sure, and Helen addresses many of them in her Liberty Minutes national radio spots that follow. But in cities, towns and neighborhoods across America, individual rights and other principles of freedom are continually being snatched away from a sleepy and often unaware citizenry.
Helen’s Liberty Minutes are a wake-up call to Americans who may have forgotten how to recognize common violations of their freedom from a perspective of responsibility, knowledge and principles.